By Shonaam Tabri Dada

Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) primary school at Senki-View which was established back in the year 2007 is at the worst condition like almost all the other schools under SSA. Likely the school is to facing problems like no water connection, shortage of class room which are the basic need in a school. Whereas according to the perspective plan of SSA Govt. of India for District has been proposed to be laid out for the construction of new building, new classrooms, boundary walls, toilets, water facilities, maintenance and other infrastructure items.

The school is running without class IV and V, which according to the government norms is opposite. The State Project Director (SPD) Opak Gao of SSA says that, the classrooms can only upgraded according to the student population. His statement makes no sense when according to the government; primary School means classes from I-V. First there should be classroom then the students will come for admission. Why to term the school primary when it has no classes from I-V.

State Project Director (SPD) of SSA Opak Gao has to say that, beside class room they provide everything which comes under the central government. The department has very less role in the SSA projects. Beside other problems like water, electricity has to be complained to the concerned department by the teacher in charge or the School Management Committee Chairman.

Speaking on the statement given by the director, SatamTanyang, Vice -Chairman of the School Management Committee (SMC) said its just futile statement from the department. He said when a school is termed primary how can it run without classes for IV-V. Which in present is having only classes from I-III? He also added until and unless there is no classroom, how can the teachers take admission for the rest classes.

Besides many approaches to the concerned department for the up gradation as well as for the maintenance there has been no positive response till date. We have been putting up the grievances of the school staff, the students since years to the concerned education department, he said.

“Our children after passing out class III have to walk long to study either at Mowb-II or to Nitti Vihar School for further study, which is really difficult for the children to make out of age 10-12 years. Sometimes they don’t even get easy access for admission too, parent of a student said.”

The school has pipe connection but no water flow, a toilet but no water and door. It also has boundary wall but almost in the condition to fall off, which is at danger condition and may injure many of the students. According to the SSA maintenance and repair of the school, the center govt. provides Rs.5000/- per year for schools with three classrooms and Rs.10000/- for classes more than three classrooms.Government provides school grant of Rs.5000/- annually for the replacement of non-functional school equipment too.

Headmaster In-charge of the school T.Mindo says, how a school can be maintained just by Rs.15, 000/- (maintenance and school grant included). Every year during the monsoon season the school is damaged due to no proper planned boundary wall and the location. Every year we visit the concerned education department and complain about the pathetic condition of school, but there is just a promise with no results, he said.

“The education department says to create other classroom outside the school building for class IV and V, or else make a partition to the existing classroom. But how can we do that when the existing classroom is too small to accommodate the registered students. There is no proper space to teach the students outside in the school campus. The education department says to approach the water department for water connection, but who will bear the expenses of the pipe, the department doesn’t provide everything in free of cost, he said”.

The school has total numbers of 48 and above students under the age of 5-14 years from class I- class III.Last year we had the lowest admission because parents feared of the pathetic condition of the school. Parents don’t want their children’s to study in a risk condition. School teachers have been bearing the expenses of maintenance. The councilor of the sector with the help of IMC has helped out to make stairs connecting the school from the main road which every monsoon get destroyed by the rain.

There are only three classrooms with one common teacher’s room and a kitchen which is used by the Anganwadi. This condition has made it very difficult to accommodate more students for higher classes. Even due to the lack of water supply the school is unable to provide Mid-day Meals to the children.

Lack of proper toilet and water availability teachers has to go back home during emergency. The small boy uses the nature as a natural toilet, but girl child faces the most hardship when it comes to toilet. A toilet was constructed a year ago, but due to excessive water flow during monsoon season the toilet is now totally blocked and even one of the toilet door has been stolen because of no closed boundary walls the head master In-charge stated.

The Senki-view primary school has lots of pot holes in context to its maintenances and quality education. The state government has to look on to it before it gets worse for the students. The public participation, “sabka saath sabka vikaas” is indeed needed but at the same time people aspect more from the state government. Looking to such problems prevailing in the education sector clearly indicates the total failure of Sarva Sikhsha Abhiyaan in the state and the new vision of our Prime Minister Narendra Modis, New India Vision- Sankalp Se Siddhi; Naya Bharat Hum Karkey Rahenge.


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