Lacking intrinsic environment, aesthetic, and recreational benefits; IG Park

By Sonam Tabri Dada

As you get into undulating and well spread out park with lots of expectation but walk out disappointed. The approach itself is uninviting with narrow entrance, muddy during the monsoon and need repair. Beside only the change can be seen is latest construction of fence along side of the road and concrete benches which has become dustbin for the people. In the absence of any signage you walk into the lovely road widening down. Later, after a few meter of walk you find a place where statue of Indra Gandhi is been constructed way long back. Along the adjacent side of statue you will see a vandalized IAF fighter plane totally in the worst condition of preservation and maintenance.

No wonder the burst of the former Prime Minister Face and mashed dirt on the statue reflects the negligence of concerned authority and poor maintenance. As you go down from the place you find dilapidated bridge over a dirty stream. A part of few flowers are locked out. You can come out of the patch and go down the road to patches of green and lovely trees in between.

Seriously this could have been much better and lovely garden with little planning, dedication and less effort. This is description about the lone public recreational park situated at the heart of Itanagar the capital city of Aruncahal Pradesh, Indra Gandhi Park which is in short known as IG Park.
Without any proper lightening during night hours it seems like half of the capital is dwelt under darkness. Till today there are not many lights during night hours which make it party and hide out for some vested groups of teenagers. Many times it has been found young boys and girls shouting, drinking and smoking around the park. Which unintentionally disturb the people and workers living nearby?

As winter approaches there are announcements, flyers, and banners on social networking sites with full of Festival update. This time throughout the winter is festive occasion which causes unhygienic and slum like condition at park. The recent conducted programmes have the worst impact on the maintenance of cleanliness around the flowing stream and the lone general ground which covers around 4 hectare of the IG Park.   
The construction of stalls and huts during the state festival and other events has over shadowed the beauty of the park with fill of potholes, garbage’s and stinking smell around. The stream is covered with the waste deposited after the event has sidelined the natural flow of the water which earlier was worth watching.

Now when it comes to the responsibility of government, the department of Environment and forest under the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Beautification (CAMPA), came out with the detailed proposal for landscaping and beautification of the Park earlier on February 2017. During the 4th governing body meeting of CAMPA, which was headed by Chief Minister of the state Pema Khandu earmarked 6 crore from CAMPA fund for the up gradation and beautification of the park. 

Accordingly it was said the park to have separate path for joggers and walkers. Children Park, fountains, sitting benches and modern footbridges was part of the plan. According to the state government Landscaping, seasonal flowers beds, toilets, dustbins in every corner and solar lights to be installed all around was the plan.

Pema Khandu suggested the beauty, sanctity and quality should not be compromised as the park is the only recreational area available to the citizens of the state capital. But as it is said, your work shows the effectiveness of the words you promise. Till date there has been no change in the outlook of the Park. There are no seasonal flower beds, dustbins, solar lights, drinking water and proper toilets.

The department of forest, district administration and Public Work Department (PWD) are the concerned government caretaker of IG Park. While PWD looks into the wide spread 4 hectare of area where all the state programmes are being conducted and the rest is under the Range Forest Officer (RFO). It’s very surprising that yet today there has been no fund released under CAMPA and the department of forest does not work until there is adequate fund unlike other departments which includes work and then the bill is being released.

Parks are not just for fun and celebrations but helps in much more conduct. It helps in the collection of storm water, provides clean air, a place for physical activities, protects natural ecosystem, place for kids to be outside, centre for community, it helps to boost mental health and subsequently many more. When we compare the need of park in a city it reduces the urban heat island effect. Parks provide space for neighborhood residents to interact with each other and meet new people. Increasing the number of parks and recreational facilities in a neighborhood reduces crime rates especially among youth.

But the negligence of state government providing recreational activity facilities at IG Park has by many years showed many illegal activities in and around the night hours. Which is needed to be changed and new approaches to be implicated as soon as possible for the better of people of the capital? Well, No doubt parks turn out to be the crucial part of any community. They have significant impact on the development of children and the happiness of everyone in the neighborhood.  


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